Every day
I work till my feet are straining to support me
Till I’m burnt out and smoke trails behind me
Till my sighs just barely escape my lips
But hardly make a sound
Every day
I see so much sorrow and anguish
And try to take a stand
To find some of the good I know is there
But have to fight to be heard
Or get drowned in the endless other shouting voices
Every day
I work hard to relieve some of the pressure
To put some good into the world
But everyone looks right through me
Like I’m invisible
Made of glass
Every day
I search for someone, anyone
To see me
And all that I’ve worked to achieve
But no one ever does
Like I’m made of glass
Every day
I look at the numbers
Seven point nine billion people on our planet
Eight planets in our solar system
And an infinite amount of solar systems out there
I’m just one speck in the universe
One shard of glass
Like I’m invisible
Written by plumtree
Topics: 2021-22 School Year