Download the entire On the Write Track (21-22)!!!
Download the entire On the Write Track (21-22)!!!
She who is invisible, Whose heart lies inside her sleeve, Who’s so small you could look over her If she didn’t want to be seen. Your eyes that have been trained On a reality less than sweet, Only cause you’ve looked over her Does your image feel incomplete.
What she wouldn’t give To fly above the sky, But when you are walking on her head She isn’t left a piece of the pie. The problem with the glass ceiling is that it’s not meant to leak, She’ll never get that taste of glory when even she believes she’s weak. There’s no ladder for […]
Steve I should not have gone to the store that day I should not have gone that way home I should have walked away that day at the park I am scared Imprisoned Ii feel, imprisoned Ii am I cannot scream I cannot yell Otherwise I’ll be the one outside of the cells Getting […]
There is a force that can shape rock and fill craters. It can whether the hands of the living and change their perspectives. This is the force that will one day turn my hair silvery-gray, wrinkle my face and bestow wisdom upon me. Some may try to fight or reverse its effects, but they are […]
A book, written in the Dark Ages Burning the witches Then applauding the knights. Ride in your shining armor, Come pick me up and toss me onto your horse Please? My body remains your shadow Trailing you around, Growing longer as the sun comes out Only to shrink again. Because I am merely a damsel, […]
I walk beside them And yet I feel alone. It is not a physical matter that Makes me regret All the decisions I’ve made. All the times I’ve been turned To and yet I have Never responded to their pleas. Only what I feel inside, This pulling, tugging, Unbearable empty feeling That breaks me apart. […]
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