9.27.12 First “Pyle Inside” Meeting Notes

Written by plumtree

Topics: Archive (2012-2019), Uncategorized

Hello and welcome to “The Pyle Inside”!

It is an incredible privilege to be working with so many amazing students who are eager to participate in helping create a student magazine.

We had a fantastic first meeting this past Tuesday. The turnout was spectacular (we will have to pull in more chairs and desks next time!!!), and everybody brought enthusiastic energy.

To recap what happened, we discussed:

1)      Different roles in which students can contribute to the magazine
2)      The effectiveness of a previous advertisement shown on Pyle T.V.
3)      The steps for publishing (instructions are in a folder on “The Pyle Inside” Edline page)
4)The proposal deadline for the first issue is Tuesday, Oct. 2nd by 4pm.

We wrapped up the meeting, and we indicated that everybody could have questions answered by email or seeing me at TAG or Interact.

Thank you,

Mr. Prunier

ATTENTION PARENTS: We are looking for additional volunteers for helping out at the meetings, editing, and as chaperones at future events. If you are interested, please contact me. We want to make this magazine a community supported and celebrated establishment.


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