“I Want to Get to Know You” by Sunny Basu

Written by plumtree

Topics: Archive (2012-2019), Uncategorized

I want to get to know you.

I want you to call me at 1 AM,

I want you to pour your soul into a conversation you’ll think was a dream.

I want your everything.

Your good,

Your bad,

Your ugly.

I want you to tell me what you love,

I want you to tell me what you hate,

I want you to tell me why.

I want to know what drives you,

I want to know what halts you,

I want to know what keeps you going,

Who keeps you going,

What I can do

To keep you going.

I want to see you in the summer.

I want you to look up YouTube slam poems and think

“That’s me,

“That’s her,

“That’s us.”

I want you with your nose in a book,

Your ears in headphones,

Your head in the clouds.

I want your eyes closed,

Your mouth open,

Your words flooding out.

I want to see you in a color you’re never worn.

I want to see you in something you feel confident in.

I want to see you in something that makes you feel beautiful.

I want to see you on a cliff,

Ready to jump.

I have the camera,

But before you jump,

You look back at me,

Smile a nervous smile,

And my heart melts.

I want to see you jump.

I want to see you fall.

I’ll have a heart attack,

Suck in a breath,

But you’ll emerge,

And you’ll laugh,

And I’ll release the breath,

I’ll cheer,

And I’ll love you.

I want to sit by you.

We’ll rock in our rocking chairs

On the porch,

With lemonade

One warm summer evening.

I want to spend the first night of fireflies with you.

I want to see your laughing face for the rest of my life.

I want it to be the last thing I see

I want to be the last thing you see.



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