I think it’s safe to say
Today wasn’t the best of days
I failed my Algebra test
And in Phys Ed I didn’t get to rest
Now finally I’m back home
Looking for some comfort
I search the fridge
Ah! There it is
My grandmother’s Chicken Karhai
A Pakistani curry made of chicken and delightful spices.
As I sit down to eat,
I am transported on a wondrous journey
The vibrant red color of the curry
Reminds me of the clothes women wear
At traditional Pakistani weddings
Red, yellow, blue, green
Striking patterns stitched with silver thread on them
I think of their long, dangling earrings
How they swing back and forth gracefully
As they dance and sing jovially
I savor the rich flavor of the chicken,
And I recall eating Biryani at the local mosque
And how the community there was in fact
Like the delicious rice itself
Both composite blends
Each grain a different color than another
And each person is too
The shape of every grain is distinct
And the backgrounds of all the people different
But both the rice and the community
Come together as one
To provide a wholesome and beautiful result
All those people who think Muslims are terrorists
Don’t know what Islam is really like
They don’t know who we truly are
We who embrace love and respect
Not who encourage violence and hatred
Who believe in family, and community, and strength of character
The texture of the warm, white, scrumptious Naan bread
That I eat with the curry
Evokes memories of the cozy blanket that family provides
In times of struggle
In times of failure,
My family tells me that failure is in fact not a bad thing
But that it offers many lessons of life
That I should learn from my mistakes
And learn what I should be wary of next time
Family will be the first ones
To pick you up when you fall
Family is the people who feel proudest of you
When you experience success
They’re the people who shape your values
And the way you look at life
As I finish the meal, I rise from the table
And my spirits rise as well
Written by plumtree
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