We will be together
We will hug
We will laugh
We will talk
We will smile
We will feel the joy
Of being around others
We will chant in the sanctuary
We will read the holy words in the prayer books
We will raise our voices upwards
We will show our Jewish pride as one
We will walk away
From the glow of the screen
It has helped us to come together
But still limits our connection
Real connection
We will finally be able to stand united
As the pain and loss comes to a close
Celebrating our heritage hand in hand
We will eat hamantaschen
Shaped like the triangular hat
On Haman’s head
We will blow the shofar
And eat apples and honey
For a sweet new year
We will do this together
We will be released from the boundaries
No more “Six feet apart!”
No more cloth coverings
That makes my face itch
That block your smile
I will see my family again
I will smell the apple pie baking in the oven
At my grandparents house two states over
Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends
The people I’ve shared tears and laughter
Joy and heartbreak with my whole life
Around the table for Thanksgiving
I will help prepare for the Passover seder
Parsley and salt water to remind us of the tears
Matzah in place of the absent bread
And a boiled egg for the circle of life
We will be with friends again
We will go from house to house in our costumes
Comparing how much candy we have
We will walk and talk late into the night
We will celebrate the day of Halloween
I will go camping with my Girl Scouts troop
Being out with nature
I will learn new skills and have fun experiences
We will celebrate the sabbath
Dad will put on his kippah and tallit
We will eat challah and matzah ball soup
We will light the Shabbat candles
Whispering to them an ancestral prayer
We will not worry about the pandemic
Fully welcoming the peace
We will shed tears of joy
We will break through the loneliness
We will break through the terrified thoughts
That haunt us as the cases rise
We will break through everything this dark time has brought us
And look towards a bright future
A future of friends and family together again
A future of praying undivided
A future of exciting memories and honored traditions
Because I am nothing without those I love
I am nothing without you and me
Written by plumtree
Topics: 2021-22 School Year