I am …
I don’t know
What am I?
I think I am Asian, Black, White, European, African-American, Mexican, and a lot more.
I think I am but I am not sure
I want to fit in
But no one will accept who I am
I don’t know who I am
Everywhere I go
I think I Know
Who I am
Not knowing is my foe
My body is aching to know who I am
More my body aches longer I desperate to know who I am
Everywhere I go, everyone thinks
They know EVERYTHING about others.
Is it only me that is questioning,
Everywhere I walk people look at me with the EYEs
the kind of EYEs that you are given when someone is fed up with you but they have to deal with you.
how everyone knows EVERYTHING about others only by their appearances?
If I am black, they think that I don’t work very hard all,
because someone else who was black didn’t do their job properly.
A person is from an unknown race
Is like meeting an Alien
Aliens from another planet
I am …
I don’t know
What am I?
I would like to be Everything
But I don’t think others are okay with me being Everything
I would like to be EVERYTHING because I can be everyone but be
MYSELF and have my own IDENTITY
I want to fit in
But no one will accept who I am
If no one will appreciate who I am then, be it.
No one should stop me from being myself
I will be whoever I want to be.
I will be MYSELF
It is perfectly fine to have no friends and not fake who you are,
Then, faking who you are and having many friends.
I am …
I am Everything …
I am Everything that I want and choose to be.
Written by plumtree
Topics: 2021-22 School Year