“Radiating Smiles” by Natasha E. Williams

Written by plumtree

Topics: 2021-22 School Year, Complete Archive (2012-2020)

You close your eyes and see nothing but darkness,

The darkness holds a subtle hint of calmness,

As you open your eyes you see a wave of color,

Color of spirits gliding through the air,

No sense of direction although they still move,

Carrying waves of color and a sort of happy radiation with them.


As you go about your day the radiation continues to move about the air,

As spirits collide with the living beings around them,

The radiation seems to rub onto them,

The happy radiation caused laughing,



And dancing to,

We cause the radiation to spread to others around,

Who then becomes happy as well.


No matter the day,

The week,

The month,

Even the year,

They’re always around,

Causing smiles upon the faces of those they are near.



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